Ck2 agot compatible mods
Ck2 agot compatible mods

ck2 agot compatible mods ck2 agot compatible mods

Traits of all characters are generated randomly by the game whenever you start. Characters with same name (historical or generated) in same country are treated as part of same dynasty, characters from same dynasty in different countries (like kings of Sweden and Norway) are currently treated as independent houses, and any intermarriage between royal houses of different countries is not yet modelled. I tried to model parent-child relations between rulers, but anything more complicated than that I left out for now, so they'll just be kinsmen. In this mod as duke of Bavaria you can marry daughter of king of Netherlands, or whoever got rolled randomly there.Ģ0% of rulers (except Muslims and popes) and 50% of children are female.Įven historical characters get randomly generated children (in addition to any historical children they might have). This start is in some ways already better than vanilla starts - especially in 769 and 867 but also in later start dates outside core of Europe nobody had any daughters or sisters, so there was no way to do any dynastic politics until second generation. Interim presidents and no-ruler periods are all disregarded, with next ruler being backdated to whenever previous ruler's reign ended.Įverybody else - regional vassals, and children of various landed characters - has been generated randomly.

ck2 agot compatible mods

Who counts as a "ruler" is somewhat ambiguous, I took monarchs if possible, and then usually presidents over prime ministers, unless prime minister is much more prominent (as in let's say Germany). You can - and should - use ruler designer to come up with your ruler if non-historical one is used. The intention is that all independent rulers will be accurate in some future version - for now all 10/10 emperor-tier countries but only 13/75 lower tier countries are done. You can get it from Steam Workshop or as direct download. It might someday expand timespan back a few decades or maybe even centuries, and it will probably contain a few tweaked mechanics eventually, but I'm not making anything like AGOT. It is not and has no intention of ever being a total conversion mod. Otherwise, it has same map and mechanics. The mod shifts Crusader Kings 2 to 1900-2015 timespan, with same map, reasonably accurate borders (as much as possible with vanilla provinces), some historical rulers, and automatically generated vassals, families, and rulers which I didn't write down yet. Early versions of the mod have been available for a bit over a week on Steam Workshop, but I'd like to make a proper announcement and notes.

Ck2 agot compatible mods